Doubble Spagyric Tincture of Mother Elder

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The lore surrounding the Elder is immense and
mysterious.  The Elder serves as a
doorway to the Underworld, or magical faery realm. Elder was sometimes called
“Hylde Moer” or “Elder Mother” . Elder Mother is the Queen of the Underworld, a
different dimension .  In Iceland,
where faeries are still taken very seriosusly, they are known as the
“Huldafolk”, meaning “hidden people” . The name Elder also has to do with
“Eld”, fire, as it is a fever remedy.
Sambucus comes from the latin term for a musical instrument – The Pan Pipes –
which were origianlly made from the hollow stems. Anything which was held in
the hand of the Lord of the Hunt- the guardian of the Animals and the spouse of
the Lady of the Underworld – ought to be powerful indeed.
In The Little Elder Mother by H C  Andersen, the tree
serves as metaphore for the poetic genious , the origin of fairy tales.
The person travelling to the Underworld is
faced with three choices. It is possible to remain in that enchanted world.
Another choice is to return to the Middle World (the ordinary world) : This is
the difficult road, on this road one becaomes the mediator of gifts from that
magical realm to everyday society.The last choice is to take the easy way, that
leads to Heaven or Hell they say, for one can become spiritually corrupted and
use the spiritual gifts one has obtained for egoistical use.
The Imagination is often ignored by people
concerned  with making a living
amid the dust and thorns of the material world,  Imagination is the channel of communication from another
dimesnion. Tubular plants such as Elder and Angelica have long been associated
with the shamanic journey to the Underworld.
This hollow signature is reflected as Elder
used as a remedy opens all tubes of the body (skin, lungs, colon, kidneys,
blood vessels) improving oxygenation , blood flow, perspiration, and
elimination by the colon or kidneys. Elder is a relaxant, removing spasmodic
caugh , spasm in the stomach and colic. 
The berries are 
bloodbuilding and are very good cooked down with sugar as a syrup for
colds , flu and sore throats.
Elder is the “Great Infant Remedy”  good for red dry irritaded skin of the
cheeks, opens the tubes and pores and lubricates the skin , improves
respiration , digestion and kidney funktion. It is as well good for adults with
red hot skin.

Information from Matthew Woods book “The book of herbal wisdom” 

I started to prepare the Elixir in july where
I distilled the flowers and let them macerate until I collected the berries and
let them macerate together with the flowers, creating a doubble tincture from
the white flowers that look like five pointed stars and the dark purple almost
black berries , the polar qualities of father time and mother of death and
rebirth .
The spagyric tincture is a great antioxidant
and  aids to improve immunity in
winter time. It is also a gatekeeper to the spirit world. It is called Elder
for a reason! It is a teacher of Nature , of time, life and death.

I connect it to Saturn as a gatekeeper to the invisible realm and a teacher of time.
The spagyric tincture contains the spirit,
essential oil and purified mineralsalt of Sambucus Nigra flower and berry.
Order a bottle of 30 ml for 250 kr + shipping
or a 10 ml for 150 kr + shipping

Doubble Tincture , Flower and Berry of
Mother Elder , Sambucus Nigra

                                                                                Thank you Mother Elder