Alchemillas Apotek
Spagyric tinctures, hydrosols, formulas and services.
For more information and inquieries, please send an email.

5 Berries Elixir
“Medicine prepared in the stars and the stars become the medicine.”
The fruit ; the berry, carries the wisdom and knowledge of life. The seed of life. Reincarnation and rebirth into new form. Life is transformation. The formula of the five berries is a unity of the five elements. It connects us with the eternal wisdom and the guiding light and intelligence of nature. Stars within the seeds and the seeds within the stars.

“The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.” – W.C. Fields
Ashwagandha strengthens the immune system, the male and female reproductive system and is especially helpful in case of a burned out nervous system. Ashwagandha is used to tone, support, and revitalize bodily functions. It is an adaptogene with a paradoxical dual capacity to energize and calm at the same time.
Stress can cause fatigue, often manifesting as “hyper” signs like agitation and difficulty sleeping. By providing a nourishing yet energizing effect, the nervous system is soothed and supported.
When the stress doesn’t impact the nervous system as strongly, the “hyper” signs will naturally resolve over time, allowing for a calming effect. This quality of Ashwagandha makes it rejuvenating.
Ashwagandha is incredible for the person who has burned the candle at both ends, or to come back after a period of illness. It is one of the most famous ayurvedic herbs. It helps a person to have stronger benefits from rest and sleep.

Shield of protection
Astragalus root has been studied extensively for its effect on the immune system. It has been shown to reduce the occurrence of common respiratory illnesses, inhibit tumor growth and bolster immune system activity in general.
It is frequently being used alongside chemotherapy to alleviate the side effects of the chemotherapy treatments.
This root can also be used for people with seasonal allergies. As an immunomodulator it helps to straighten up the immune system, lessening the frequency and severity of allergies.
There is a lot of research on astragalus fighting cancer published online for those interested to find out more.
It is of use for people who are completely run down. If they are getting frequent colds and flus, that is a sure sign this herb will be of benefit! It combines well with ashwaganda root for burn-out.
It is an adaptogenic herb, helping to handle stress. The best way to summarise Astragalus would be to say it is a tonic, meaning it nourishes and supports the body in its own self-healing process. This is no small thing in chronic illness where our ability to self-repair has fallen short of being able to get us well.
In Chinese medical terms, astragalus builds up the protective chi. Imagine that there is a protective shield around your body, just below the surface of the skin, that keep out cold and other external influences. It vitalizes the non-specific immune defenses and wards off infections. This is the protective chi, and astragalus is the premier herb in Chinese herbalism to strengthen it. -Paul Bergner

Aka “Stronger Brahmi”, “Water Hyssop”, “the divine great drug”, “Herb of Grace”
Brahmi is a nootropic herb and its uses in neurological and psychiatric disorders are well recognized. Bacopa is a nerve tissue builder and cardio-tonic, it relieves stress, aids respiratory tract problems such as asthma, bronchitis, cough but foremost it is used for nervous exhaustion, to improve memory and as a “brain-food”.
Bacopa increases comprehension, concentration and recollection. In India it is used for ADHD. It gives focus to scattered minds. It gives overview instead of millions of separated details, it makes you see the patterns.
The ancient Ayurvedic sages, who were also great physicians, revealed Brahmi’s role in promoting Medhya (intellect), Ayushya (longevity), Rasayana (rejuvenation), Prajnasaktivardhana (intellectual power), Hrdaya (Heart), Majjadhaty Rasayana (nervous system rejuvenation), Balya (strength, especially mind), Jivaniya (life energy), Nidrajanana (sleep), Dhana (wealth), Svara (voice), Varna (complexion) and Anuloma (redirecting the flow of vata downwards).
It is not for nothing Bacopa is referred to as The Divine Drug.

CHAGA – king of medicinal mushrooms
Chaga grows on birchtrees in the northern hemisphere. It goes under the name of “The King of Medicinal Mushrooms”. It is filled with antioxiadants. It strengthens the immunesystem.
It is also a powerful adaptogene, which means that it helps the body to handle stress and improve physical and mental work capacity.
Stress and disease are closely connected. Chaga helps us to meet the challenges of a stressful world with couarage and dedication.
Chaga helps us in gather our strength to meet the unknown and to transform all that seems challenging into valuble lessons and opportunities for growth.

Echinacea Purpurea
Echinacea comes from the Greek echinos, meaning hedgehog or sea-urchin, because of its conical spiny seed heads.
Echinacea is anti-inflammatory and is beneficial in the acute stages of a cold or flu. It may also be more effective when used in conjunction with other immune-supportive herbs such as Elderberry and Gingerroot. During this time, Echinacea must be taken in high dose and frequency to be effective as soon as symptoms begin to appear.
It also decreases inflammatory allergic reactions in mild food allergies and stimulates gastric healing. The constituent, echinacin, has been shown to be useful in treatment of tonsillitis. It is used for colds, influenza, wounds, infections, allergies, bacterial and viral disease, swollen glands and gum disease.
Each part of Echinacea has unique phyto-chemistries that can benefit the immune system in many ways. In my spagyric tincture there are 70% roots, and 30% flowers and leaves.
Echinacea was a traditional remedy of the Native American Indians in the Great Plains, where it grows wild. The Cheyenne, Comanche, and other tribes used it for many ailments, including toothaches, sore throats, tonsillitis, coughs, and blood and lymphatic diseases.
it is an excellent bloodpurifyer.
The the lay doctor, H. C. F. Meyer, who “re-discovered” Echinacea in the 1870s claimed to know of over 600 cases in which his remedy had not failed to cure rattlesnake bites. He let himself be bitten by many rattlesnakes to prove his point.
This was the beginning of a hype!

Ginkgo have lived for 300 million years on our earth.
The leaves of the Ginkgo tree contain different active substances at different stages, so I harvest thrice. Ginkgo improves circulation, it supports the heart and improves blood flow in tissues and organs, which protects cells against damage by oxidation by free radicals.
Ginkgo is thus an antioxidant and improves absorption of nutrients, providing vital oxygen supply to each cell. It aids vision and hearing-related problems due to these properties. It is also these characteristics that support memory. It is a brain-tonic.
Ginkgo is good against fatigue, gives energy and is good for depression by the particular phytochemicals it contains. Ginkgo is one of the nootropic plants that improve mental functions such as cognition, intelligence, motivation, memory and concentration.
Something interesting with the leaves of Ginkgo is that they look a bit like the two halves of the brain. Nature communicates with us via the doctrine of signatures, the signs of nature.

Welcome to experience a gong-session.
A deeply relaxing experience.
The gong brings healing and transformation on all levels. On the physical , to the emotional and spiritual levels the vibrations and frequencies of the gong can initiate a positive change when experiencing a gong-bath.
“Physical sound can lead you to the
inner vibrations of prana.
Prana is the cause of all sound,
And sound is the expression of prana.” – Swami Satchidananda

Gotu Kola
The herb of the yogi
“Yoga exists in the world because everything is linked.” – Desikashar
Gotu Kola is anti-inflammatory and a circulatory stimulant. It is also an excellent connective tissue tonic, aiding with arthritis, ulcers, skin problems, strengthening hair, skin and nails. Connective tissues connect all things in the body – muscles to bones, holding organs in place, and giving the body its mobile structure.
It is used by many yogis to enter a state of non-dual awareness and deepen their meditation. It promotes a very high level of clarity not of mind, but of awareness of the mind – which in turn clarifies the thought processes. Gotu Kola helps to increase circulation to the brain, balance its hemispheres, improve memory, intelligence, and calms the mind. It is a rejuvenative tonic for the nerves, brain cells, and the adrenal glands.
Gotu Kola is very much connected to the crown chakra. It is an adaptogen and a brain-tonic.
The connection between the crown and connective tissue is that this herb helps us to understand the unity of all things, how everything in our body is interconnected, and how everything in the universe is interconnected too.

Amazonian dream teacher.
Guayusa is a cousin plant to Yerba Mate, and elicits similar benefits including natural caffeine that energizes without the resultant jitters or crash associated with other caffeinated drinks like coffee. Guayusa is full of antioxidants, more so than in green tea. Guayusa aids in digestion and boosts metabolism.
Guayusa, or “Wayusa,” is known within the Kichwa community to awaken the spirit, bring peace to the body, and stimulate the mind. It will also induce vivid and lucid dreaming if you drink it at night. Legend has it, that the Kichwa tribe prayed for a plant that could help them connect to the dream world. When they awoke in the morning, there was a guayusa plant in front of them.
The Spirit of Guayusa is an amazing teacher! I decided to turn these magical leaves into a spagyric tincture, extracting in a strong decoction from snow and maceration in 40% alcohol and it turned out very well! I transformed the snow when the new moon was in pisces into a strong Guayusa tea to help us integrate the teachings of our dreams.

It is hard to understand addiction unless you have experienced it yourself. – Ken Hensley
Lobelia is also called “Indian tobacco” and has a long history of use as an herbal remedy for respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and cough. Historically, Native Americans smoked lobelia as a treatment for asthma. In the 19th century, American physicians prescribed lobelia to induce vomiting in order remove toxins from the body. Because of this, it earned the name “puke weed.” It is a purgatory, it means that it makes you vomit if taken in larger doses.
Lobelia impacts neurotransmitter activity in a way that is similar to nicotine. The active ingredient, Lobeline, is a both a nicotine agonist and antagonist derived from an Indian plant “lobelia inflata.” Here's what that means:
The brain has neurotransmitter receptor cells that have been labeled 'nicotinic' receptors because they are stimulated by nicotine. Lobeline acts on these cells as an 'agonist,' which means that it binds to these cells and stimulates them in a similar way to nicotine. (The effects are not as strong as nicotine, however.) Because the drug is in effect 'parked' at the receptor sites on these cells, it also partially blocks nicotine from activating them, thereby reducing the effect of nicotine in the brain from smoking, and helping to reduce the 'reward' associated with smoking.
Interestingly, unlike nicotine, which is highly addictive, lobeline does not appear to be addictive. This may be because of its structural differences from nicotine, and the different ways that it affects dopamine storage and release. (Dopamine is another a neurotransmitter – one that is implicated in addictive patterns of behavior.)
Rather than stimulating the release of dopamine in the normal way (from the presynaptic terminal), lobeline appears to induce the metabolism of dopamine intraneuronally as well as inhibit dopamine re-uptake. The result of this is that rather than getting a 'dose' of rewarding dopamine immediately connected to the behavior of smoking (or of taking lobeline), the dopamine effect is more diffuse. So you still get the pleasant dopamine effect, but because it is not strongly associated with the behavior, it does not induce addictive behaviors, and in fact partially blocks the addictive effect of nicotine intake.
Dwoskin LP, Crooks PA., (2002) A novel mechanism of action and potential use for lobeline as a treatment for psychostimulant abuse. Biochemical Pharmacology. Jan 15;63(2):89-98.
I made a formula to help people stop smoking or using snuff which is common in Sweden. So far this formula have helped around 12 people in quitting, myself included!
I recomend smokers or snuffers who wish to quit my formula rather than the pure Lobelia spagyric tincture because it has calming and adaptogenic herbs in it that helps the quitter cope with stress.

The Moondala is a map that connects and contextualizes the cycles of the moon and your personal cycle, so that you can comprehend the patterns of each phase of the lunation and how you can work together with the forces of the universe.
A lunar calendar is a calendar based upon cycles of the Moon’s phases. Each lunation is a little less than 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 3 seconds.
Month after month, the moon cycle mirrors a woman’s menstrual cycle, which coincidently has an average length of 29.5 days as well. And similar to the moon cycle, a woman’s menstrual cycle changes from the menstruation of new growth, to the ovulation of full power and blossom, to the pre-menstrual phase of harvest and degeneration, and back to menstruation of renewal again.
All life forms have cycles of birth, growth, death, and renewal that are mirrored in the progressive phases of the moon cycle.
The Phases of the Moon
The moon has four phases or quarters lasting about seven days each. The first two quarters are during the waxing or increasing light, between the new and the full moon. The third and fourth quarters are after the full moon when the light is waning, or decreasing.
Gravitational pull influences moisture in soil. Human beings consits largely of water.
Planting by the moon is an idea as old as agriculture, based both in folklore and magic, but there are scientific ideas to back it up. The Earth is in a large gravitational field, influenced by both the sun and moon. The tides are highest at the time of the new and the full moon, when sun and moon are lined up with earth. Just as the moon pulls the tides in the oceans, it also pulls upon the subtle bodies of water, causing moisture to rise in the earth, which encourages growth. The highest amount of moisture is in the soil at this time, and tests have proven that seeds will absorb the most water at the time of the full moon.
After three months mapping your moon, you will star to notice the patterns in your cycles that you were maybe never aware of; patterns that will give you keys on how you flow and how you are connected to the universe.
The first day of bleeding is counted as the first day of the cycle, and the cycle ends in the last day before the next period. If you do not bleed, you can start mapping on the new moon.
As above – So below
As within – So without
This moondala was created by Lisa Jeannin for the Alchemist´s Kitchen and the Travelling Medicine Show at Het Bos in Antwerpen during the Alchemical spring and sign of Aries.
Printed by Risiko Press.

The Joyous Mountain. From Greek oreiganon, from oros “mountain” + ganos “brightness”
Oregano has extraordinarily powerful natural antibiotic qualities. The strong phenol antioxidants destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses and yeasts.
Oregano is antiseptic, an aid for ear, nose and throat, respiratory infections, candida and any sort of bacterial or viral conditions.
It is a powerful aid when inflammation is around especially colds and flus with chills and shivering as well as respiratory tract infections with profuse mucus and chilliness. Very good at the beginning of measles to lessen the course of the disease.
Oregano also works for the digestion, abdominal swelling and belching.
It relaxes the mind, balances the emotions and banishes mental fatigue. Oregano is promoting clarity of thought.
Oregano opens the solar plexus and installs courage and the power to complete a mission. It is good for people who start projects but have trouble finishing them. When the mountain has been climbed, experience the joy of a new perspective.

Saturn Return
This formula gives strength and grace to move through the cosmic initiation towards mastery and intergration of the lessons of life.

“Hundred Husbands”
Shatavari is one of the famous ayurvedic herbs. It is a main building tonic for women. It is rejuvenative for the female reproductive tract and builds the blood.
This herb is used as a moisturizer for the membranes of the lungs, digestive tract, the kidney and the urinary tract.
Shatavari reduces stress. It attunes us with our inner goddess.
This herb increases fertility , increases immunesystem, increase milk and sexual secretions and is an aphrodisiac. It is helpful in menopause, hormonal symptoms such as PMS, menstrual cramps, mood changes, hot flashes.

Lisa Jeannin holds workshops in the spagyric art and herbal alchemy.
Check for upcoming dates via our Facebook site, on the blog or announced via our newsletter.
You can also invite Lisa to hold lectures, plant walks or workshops in spagyria, herbal alchemy, and the healing power of herbs. Please email us for inquires.
There is a workshop this summer read about it here.

4 Elements
This is a series of spagyric tinctures dedicated to the 4 elements. The very building blocks of our universe and everything within it, including you.
The Medicine Wheel – 4 Elemental Elixirs to work with in Ceremony
Engage in a personal and universal ritual. Connect with the elements within and without you.
A suggestion is to light a candle and connect with the flame as you take the fire-elixir, connecting with your inner fire simultaneously. Out in nature by the water when taking the water-elixir to connect with water, within and without you. Follow your intuition and create your own rituals.
The elixirs can be taken seasonally. They can of course be taken just as one pleases, when you feel the need for Freedom, Flow, Inner Flame or Roots. The titles and the keywords give a key to what to be expected.
Special price
500 kr + shipping for all of the elements. Otherwise 150 kr + shipping each. Please specify which element/s you want. You can also order these by email.

7 Chakras
This is a series of spagyric formulas dedicated to the 7 chakras.
The seven chakras are the centers through which energy flows in our bodies. The chakras can be described as spinning wheels of light. In sanskrit chakra means circle, symbolising the endless rotation of shakti.
The spagyric formulas created for each chakra can be used in many different ways.
Create your own practice and rituals.
Perhaps chant the mantra or seed-sound corresponding to each chakra, visualize the color or yantra, do yoga connected to each chakra or just connect with the chakra within.
There may be a few chakras needing extra attention and strengthening and one decides to work with those for a while.
There is much information on the word wide web if you need to research. A good book is “Wheels of Life” by Anodea Judith. I write a few keywords to each chakra-elixir, starting from the root and ending at the crown.
All chakras at a special price 700 kr + shipping.
Otherwise 150 kr each, please specify which ones you want to order.

“Torturedly cheerful”
An astringent that tones the tissues but is used to relax the tissues. It is this paradox that is the magic that agrimony shares with many other medicinal plants.
States of stress such as spasms of the stomach, tension headaches, menstrual cramps where the person tries to hide it by pretending that everything is ok, “torturedly cheerful”
Pain in the spine, flu when you have pain in your joints.
Agrimony is also good for the kidneys and liver, poor digestion (indication: fat and undigested pieces of food in the poo), prevention of gall and kidney stones.
Incontinence, cystitis, urinary tract infection.
Agrimoy is superior for releasing tension and spasm, both on a physical and a psychological level. Agrimony is specifically indicated for those who try to hide their pain with a smile, behind a sophisticated and easy-going facade. Matthew Wood (The Earth Wise Herbal Vol 1) uses the phrase “torturedly cheerful” and it is very fitting.
Agrimony supports the connection between the brain and the other brain – the gut feeling, the enteric system. Agrimony is about strengthening the gut and is good for people who get pain in the belly out of concern and worry, around meals and eating or nervous, tense social situations. Pressing the emotions down into the gut.
80% of Serotonin is produced in the gut, far more than in the brain. One should never underestimate the gut feeling.

Self-Heal initiates selftransformation. On all levels. In chinese medicine, all-heal is usually prescribed for liver-support, also for children.
It is a woundhealer and antibacterial.
Good for sore throat.
The 17th-century botanist, herbalist, physician and astrologer Nicholas Culpeper wrote that the plant is called Self-Heal because ‘when you are hurt, you may heal yourself’. He was a physician of the people and treated the poor free of charge.
Like me he also found that it is sad that the soul is often completely forgotten within allopathic medicine.
“Many a times I find my patients disturbed by trouble of Conscience or Sorrow, and I have to act the Divine before I can be the Physician. In fact our greatest skill lies in the infusion of Hopes, to induce confidence and peace of mind.”
I believe that All-Heal can motivate and help us listen to our own inner guidence. To tune in to better understand how we can live through disease and trauma and get the power to self-heal.
I made a flower-essence according to Dr Bach , a direct sun-light infusion, the day I understood what the teachings of All-Heal is about. I connect this flower to the planet Jupiter. It is about hope and the will to selftransformation and grow through the difficulties of life.
All-Heal helps us in knowing what we need to take care of and do for ourselves to be able to heal.

As above – So below
Angelica is bitter, warming and aromatic.
It can be useful in treatment of swellings, inflammations and glandular indurations, particularly of the head and neck region. Good for circulation, for cold hands and feet. Used for fever.
It is good for anguish, spasms, nervous excitation and fatigue; calms excess in both the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. It is good for PMS and excessive bleeding while menstruating.
Can be used for for arthritis and gout. Good for the liver, increases digestion and metabolism of oil and production of bile, hence increases digestion and nutrition. It relaxes the throat and makes it easier to take long deep breaths. It simultaneously opens the imagination and the mind when prana (life force through breath) can flow.
Angelica is an important Shamanic plant among the Saami people of the North.
In Native American herbalism it is referred to as a “Bear Medicine”. Just as the bear goes into hibernation through the winter, bear medicine usually relax the mind, open the imagination and bring people into dreamtime. Angelica certainly has this capacity.
Bears eats these roots upon awakening in spring to wake up, clear their throat and start rebuilding their mass.
I see Angelica as an embodiment of the Alchemical device “As above so below”.
The deep aromatic root and the umbrella-like flower full of starlike seeds are connected through a hollow stem, a channel connecting the heaven and the earth. This is one of the effects the Spagyric Tincture may have upon you – making you feel like this channel.
Angelica connects you with your guardian angel, or if you prefer to call it your higher self.

Astral Elixir
Individually created Elixir of Life based on astrological chart
“Man is a microcosm, or a little world, because he is an extract from all the stars and planets of the whole firmament, from the earth and the elements; and so he is their quintessence.” – Paracelsus
From your astrological birth chart I create unique spagyric formulas to support your vital force, inspired by Nicholas Culpepers Astral Formula and my astrological and herbal intuition. My gift is to match the characteristics of the herbs with the characteristics of the human, the archetypes of the zodiac and celestial bodies.
This is not a traditional astrological consultation, focus is on the herbs – how the vital force is manifested through you and how herbs can support the flow of this vitality.
I need to know the date, time and place of birth. You receive 50 ml spagyric tincture and consultation over Skype or telephone 1-2 hours, for the cost of 1500 kr + shipping.
Bookings via email.

‘borage for courage’ is the rough translation of the old Latin verse “Ego borago gaudia semper ago”.
Borage is anti-inflammatory, demulcent, nutritive and cooling. It is giving tone to relaxed tissues like varicose veins. It is also used to soothe the body's mucous membranes. Borage can help ease arthritis and rheumatism.
Borage can be helpful to uplift and strengthen the spirits, especially in times of grief. It is also a great PMS-relief.
The blue starlike flowers reach an apex, coming to a singular focused point. Borage is excellent for individuals who are scattered in their communication, lack focus and clarity, and are unable to “get to the point”. It can also be useful for people who tend to “beat around the bush” and are not direct with their communication.
Most confusion that occurs in relationships is due to unclear communication and Borage is an excellent remedy to turn to in order to bring more direct, focused and clear communication that gets to the point.

The power to speak
Calamus root is aromatic and bitter. It is used for throat colds, sore throats, irritable coughs, laryngitis, chest colds, and head colds. It is considered an effective antihistamine; clearing stuffy sinuses and helping to dispel mucous. It is good when you've lost your voice and for singers or people who work with the voice.
It is also good for libido in both sexes. It also has a reputation in Ayurveda for benefitting conditions in the aging prostate. According to herbalist Henriette Kress “Calamus is astonishing for the pain from endometriosis. One of the few herbs we have for that; cherish it…”
Calamus also excels as a relaxant, despite its stimulating properties. “Stimulant” and “relaxant” shouldn't be seen a contradictory (uses occupying opposite ends of a polarity): stimulating herbs increase the expression of the vital force, while relaxants ease the resistance to that expression. They work together in a complimentary fashion to achieve the same end: better flow of energy and vitality.
Calamus can be incredibly effective in treating anxiety and is especially helpful in finding one’s voice and expression.
Calamus promotes circulation to the brain, sharpens memory, enhances awareness, and increases communication. The yogic name, Vacha, means “speech” and refers to its action on the fifth chakra and its propensity to help you speak from your highest consciousness.
Clarity, centering, perspective. Expressing one's truth. This is what the teachings of Calamus is about.

Shines in places where the sun don´t shine
Calendula is indicated for damp/stagnation and heat from cold. A tissue may become depressed in function and the vital force want´s to activate and get it moving by initiating an inflammatory response. So there is heat from cold and damp.
Calendula is good for antibiotic trauma, leaky gut syndrome and food intolerances. It is also good for lymphatic swelling and great when there is a residual sluggish feeling after a flu, low energy and swollen lymphnodes. It moves the debris out of the system, dead white bloodcells and bacterial cells.
When there is a food intolerance triangle, one experiences mood energy symptoms, food intolerance and joint pain or skin issues. Beer-belly, gluten-belly.
Call for Calendula! It is a bitter tonic that works on the liver and helps with digestive imbalance.
Calendula is good for anxiety and depression especially when accompanied by these other symptoms.
Calendula is moving what has stagnated in our defense system , also on a psycho-spiritual level. Reclaiming ones boundaries and making full use of the energy we allready possess. It has to do with recognizing and using our wealth . Calendual can live everywhere. It teaches the magic of universal opportuinty. Prosperity and abundance is available to all of us no matter of the socio-economic situation.
The energy is connected to the solar archetype of Apollo. The light of the inner sun!

“Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.” – Jimi Hendrix
A great digestive helper, good for cramp, constipation, gas, IBS, tension. It is good for fever and suited for mental and physical tension.
Chamomile is for babies of any age. People who are intolerant to pain, breathing loudly to let you know that, “I can´t bear it”. Chamomile has a long history in folk medicine as a sedative for cross, whining and irritated babies. People who are snappy, inclined to pick quarrels and must have it their way are soothed by chamomile.
The essential oil of chamomile is blue. It sweetens the soul and improves self-esteem. It is especially good for people who get angry and out of sorts with everything and everybody, who are very impatient and can hardly answer with civility particularly at menses or when sick.

“Life in us is like the water in a river. ”
– Henry David Thoreau
Cleavers supports the flow of the fluids of the body such as the flow of the lymphatic system. It supports the kidneys and urinary tract . Cleavers strengthens the immune system. It gets stagnant chi (life force) moving where it has accumulated in hot spots.
Cleavers also works on the flow of emotions, to be fluid, flexible and to help us in breaking patterns and relationships one has been clinging on to but is no longer beneficial. This is a signature as cleavers clings to everything that comes in it´s way like velcro.
I have found it to be helpful for smokers to quit the habit and even more so for balancing relationships where one person is clinging and the other one is taking a distance.
Cleavers may be beneficial in writers block and when one feels stuck artistically.
Cleavers has to do with flow and creativity on all levels.

It is possible to schedule a consultation and visit Alchemillas Apotek for guidance.
I approach my clients with care and respect .
I am a trained Ayurvedic health counselor with a diploma from Yantra Ayurveda.
Ayurveda or the knowledge of life (Ayur: knowledge, veda: life), is an Indian art of healing dating back to the Vedic culture. With thousands of years experience, Ayurveda is one of the world’s most sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems.
As with ancient natural philosophy and alchemy, Ayurveda is based on the elements: space, air, fire, water and earth.

“Most of the dandelions had changed from suns into moons” – Vladimir Nabokov
The root of dandelion is cooling, strengthening for the liver and strengthening in general. Promoting the production of bile, strengthening the lymphatic system, cleansing for the blood and good for digestion.
Dandelion is one of the most important herbs for expelling toxins from the tissues of the body and is good to use in all cases of chronic inflammations for example inflammations of the skin and joints as well as rheumatism. Dandelion is excellent for a weak or overworked liver. It is good to use Dandelion to strengthen oneself after an illness or as a general spring cleaning tonic.
According to Ayurveda, anger accumulates in the liver and gall-bladder. Dandelion is a powerful plant in helping to let go of this anger so we don´t carry it inside us. It is a detoxifier that works on the emotional and mental being, as well as the physical. It is especially good for clearing out old anger that has not been processed, especially if the pattern was established in childhood.
The liver is the organ of transformation and inner alchemy.
Dandelion works on the solar plexus. The energy is dynamic and promotes body consciousness and freedom. It gives us the capacity to understand and express pain that seems beyond understanding. Dandelion helps us reclaim our innocence and to take responsibility for how we feel and act.
I believe that nature puts the medicines humans need in abundance right in their gardens, even growing through concrete, for a reason.

Dream Recall
This is a formula for dreamwork. It encourages lucid dreaming, memory, recall and intuition.
Take 7-14 drops in a little warm water before bedtime. Keep a notebook and a pen by the bed to record dreams upon awakening.
Spagyric tincture of:
Artemisia Vulgaris, Rosmarinus officinalis, Passiflora Incarnata, Ginkgo Biloba, Lavandula Angustifolia, Salvia officinalis, Melissa officinalis, Nymphaea Caerulea, Ilex Guayusa
(Mugwort, Rosemary, Passionflower, Ginkgo, Lavender, Sage, Lemonbalm, Egyptian Blue Water Lily, Guayusa)
Hydrosol of Rosemary, extracted mineral salts of the above mentioned herbs, organic alcohol.

The name Elder has to do with “Eld”, fire. It is a fever remedy.
Sambucus comes from the latin term for a musical instrument – The Pan Pipes – which were originally made from the hollow stems of Elder.
This hollow signature is reflected as Elder used as a remedy opens all tubes of the body (skin, lungs, colon, kidneys, blood vessels) improving oxygenation, blood flow, perspiration, and elimination by the colon or kidneys. Elder is a relaxant, helpful in spasmodic cough and spasm in the stomach.
The berries are blood building and together with the flowers are healing when you have a fever. Also helpful in red dry irritated skin of the cheeks, as it opens the tubes and pores and lubricates the skin. It improves respiration, digestion and kidney function.
Imagination is the channel of communication from another dimension. Tubular plants such as Elder and Angelica have long been associated with the shamanic journey to the Underworld. The lore surrounding the Elder is immense and mysterious. The Elder serves as a doorway to the Underworld, or magical faery realm.
I start to prepare the Elixir in July when I distilled the flowers and let them macerate until I collected the berries and let them macerate together with the flowers, creating a double tincture from the white flowers that look like five pointed stars and the dark purple almost black berries. These are signatures of saturn, the polar qualities of father time and mother of death and rebirth.
The spagyric tincture is a great antioxidant and aids to improve immunity in winter time. It is also a gatekeeper to the spirit world. It is called Elder for a reason! It is a teacher of nature, of time, life and death.

Emotional Heart
This is a formula that supports the emotional heart. It can be helpful after a traumatic experience or shock for healing on an emotional level.
Spagyric tincture containing:
Achillea Millefolium, Rosa Rugosa and Alchemilla Vulgaris and dewdrops collected by Alchemilla. (Yarrow, Wild Rose and Lady´s Mantle)
Hydrosol of Alchemilla Vulgaris, extracted mineral salts of the above mentioned herbs, organic alcohol.
Take 7-20 drops directly on the tongue or in a little room temperature water.

Rising from the ashes like a phoenix – the survivor
Fireweed is good for candida overgrowth and works on our small intestine and colon to create a healthy environment where beneficial digestive bacteria can flourish, nutrients can flow into our body, and waste products can easily move out. It supports our intestines in discriminating between what we need to absorb and what we need to let go of. This helps keep our whole system in a state of balance.
Fireweed is a survivor. It is the often one of the first plants to reestablish itself after an environmental disaster such as a clear-cut or a forest fire. It works similarly for a person who has gone through an emotional forest fire, where everything seems to have crumbled or fallen apart around you or when you feel cut off from what you were used to. Fireweed helps to let go of the last bits of what is no longer serves our good so we can come back and let the secret fire in our hearts initiate a new beginning. It is like the sunrise after the dark night of the soul.
Fireweed is a good long-term remedy. Often, long-standing imbalances do not show up over night but develop over time, and our body, mind and soul take time to recover. Fireweed represents the promise that beauty will return after bodily sickness or environmental destruction. When woodlands are damaged from fire, or clear-cutting, it is fireweed that brings the first promise of recovery. It reminds us that nature has her healing cycle too.

Forest Violet
“Do you think amethysts can be the souls of good violets?”
– M. Montgomery
Violets are suited when mucosal membranes are dry, for dry cough, and indicated in lymphatic stagnation. Violets work as a dissolver and may ease constipation.
Violets are soothing to the restless and calming to the nerves. Reduces excessive and unwanted thoughts.
Full of fragrance when you meet them up close, they are easy to miss when walking by. Likewise people who need violet have many gifts that are often overlooked by others. Sensitive and highly perceptive, they hold back from contact with others for fear of being unrecognized or misunderstood.

Solidago comes from the Latin word solidus, which means: “whole” as in “to make one whole” or to bind or bring together.
Goldenrod supports the kidneys, is good for a cold stomach and low metabolism. It is a warming, bitter and pungent remedy that is stimulating and increases digestion.
Goldenrod can be helpful in allergies, especially cat allergy with red, watery, itchy eyes and itchy nose. It may also be helpful at the first stage of an urine infection.
For worn out people with tired and heavy feet. “Where is the nearest chair?” . Indicated for people who are too worn out to process life. Maria Treben relates how the kidneys help us to work out our emotions and if they become exhausted they slow down, the back and feet are tired and the urinary output is altered.
Goldenrod is a powerful internal cleaner and it is especially good to do a cure at the equinoxes, as the seasons change. Goldenrod connects you to your higher self (makes one whole). Initially emotions may be released as they are cleaned out from under metaphorical carpets but do not fear, a stronger connection to your higher self creates enthusiasm, abundance and a more cooperative feeling in the long run.
These initial feelings are the reliving of emotions and will pass as those emotions are released from the cleaning. This process can also affect one’s dreams initially.

“It's only with the heart one sees clearly, for what's essential is invisible to the eye.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Hawthorn berry is a heart-tonic for the physical heart including arteries and veins. It has a normalizing effect on cholesterols and the coronary circulation. Hawthorn improves the nutrition, energy reserve, and energy release of the heart muscle.
Hawthorn is cooling and anti-inflammatory.
Stress and mental tension often underlying heart problems. By reducing heat, hawthorn lessens restlessness, irritability, anxiety and nervousness that sometimes accompany heart conditions. Hawthorn brings focus by connecting with the heart.
Hawthorn is centering and connects us to our emotional heart. When the mind is taking over, overriding the wisdom of the heart, we suffer. The secret is to be present, relocating the consciousness from the mind to the heart, as it is actually the main organ of perception. We then intuitively know our life's purpose. Tune in to the centre of your inner universe – listen to the wisdom of your heart and use it as a compass when navigating through life.

Heather is said to grow over the final resting place of Faeries.
In recent years heather has been used successfully, to treat rheumatic pains.
The reason for this is probably because it contains a substance that removes excess uric acid from the body. Heather may be used as both an antiseptic and detoxifier. It is nice in warm water with honey for a sore throat. It contains many minerals and is considered a fertility plant.
Heather is a mild sedative and can be good to sleep on, taken internally as well as inside a dream pillow or mattress. It is good for the nerves and the heart.
The virtues of a mattress made from Scottish heather were described by King James VI's tutor, George Buchanan:
'…… so pleasant, that it may vie in softness with the finest down, while in salubrity it far exceeds it…. and restores strength to fatigued nerves, so that those who lie down languid and weary in the evening, arise in the morning vigorous and sprightly.'

Horsetail is an important plant teacher for alchemists because it teaches about death, longevity, the quality of life and a long life. It teaches spiritual evolution.
Horsetail is full of minerals, especially silica which builds hair, skin, nails and connective tissue. The silica is not extracted by ordinary tincturing, but through the calcination process it is extracted spagyrically.
It is diuretic, draining water, working on the kidneys. It is is an astringent tonic which means that it brings tone to relaxed tissues.
It is helpful for nervous, tense and anxious people who bites on their nails and twirls their hair around a finger. It is grounding. Call on Horsetail to instill courage and strength. When you need to learn how to be firm, set boundaries and limits, learn to do things step by step with discipline.
Horsetail is a Saturnian remedy. The signature connection between the ringed planet and the ringed stalks.
According to Ayurveda, karma is stored in the bones. Saturnian remedies goes deep into our DNA – the karmic patterns and helps us to break the patterns that are no longer beneficial. Horsetail is a deeply initiatic remedy. It is one of the oldest plants in the world. They used to be as high as trees.

Hydrosol of Lavandula Angustifolia
Floral and sweet with notes of honey and deeper basenotes
A soothing balm for the body, mind and soul.
Use as a mist, balancing for all skintypes even the baby's.

Hydrosol of Mentha Piperita
Spicy yet cooling and refreshing scent.
Peppermint awakens the mind! Drink it in the morning to awaken the body, including the colon.
Spray on the face and body during external or internal (menopause) heatwaves.
Peppermint is phenomenal for concentration, when studying or writing. It cools the nerves but stimulates the mind. Spray a cloud and walk through it before important meetings or work with clients to be alert and present.

Hydrosol Of Rosmarinus Officinalis
A green, sweet and spicy scent.
Rosemary is a powerful antioxidant.
- It stimulates the liver and gallbladder, promoting production of bile and aiding digestion.
- It is also useful during a fast or cleanse to reduce hunger and aid detoxification. Add a teaspoon to a glass of water. It is delicious to cook with.
- It is a mental and physical stimulant. It makes a good coffee substitute for those wanting to cut down on caffeine.
- It is good for memory and dreamrecall. Good to sparay around you when studying.
- I connect it with the crownchakra.
- Rosemary makes the hair thick and shining. Spray the scalp to increase hairgrowth.
Do not use internally when pregnant or nursing.

Hydrosol Of Salvia Officinalis
Pure, fragrant, herbaceous and uplifting aroma
- Sage hydrosol can be used to purify a space, persons or objects when burning insence is not permitted.
- As a mist it may be used as a circulatory stimulant.
- Sage helps balance the hormones and autonomic nervous system and may be helpful in easing the symptoms of menopause, PMS and menstrual cramps as a mist and taken internally diluted in warm water.
- When Sage hydrosol is applied at the onset of swollen lymph nodes, it can help reduce the swelling.
- It can be used for a sore throat, diluted in warm water or sprayed in the throat.

Hydrosol of Thymus Vulgaris
Flowery and sweet scent.
Hydrosol of Thyme may be used for:
- Acne. I recomend using the spagyric tincture internally and the hydrosol to spray on areas with acne.
- Flu and cold, spray around you and take 1 teaspoon in a little warm water. For children with a flu or cold, 1/2 teaspoon. It supports the immunesystem and is disinfectant.
- As a mouthrinse after brushing the teeth, for children prone to caries.
- Very tasty in cooking.
- Yeast and fungal infections, candida.
Thyme has a strengthening effect on the mind. Thyme stimulates the Thymus gland and the adrenal cortex, which improves immunity and self-identity.

“Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean.”
Psalm 51:7, The Bible
Hyssop is a fever remedy, indicated in “slow fever” where nerves are affected so reactions and movements are slow, numb and weak. It is deeply penetrating, opening pores and passage ways deep inside the body, releasing heat through the skin. It acts cooling, lubricating, cleansing fluids, removing heat and congestion.
Mold growing on the leaves of hyssop produces penicillin.
David Dalton developed a profile for the mental state associated with hyssop that may owe something to the biblical concept. He recommends it for people who feel guilty, feel undeserving of happiness, fear punishment , fear pleasure and engage in self-sabotage.
Herbalist Juliette de Bairacli Levy recommends hyssop as a highly effective remedial agent in all forms of poisoning. Foxes are said to seek out this plant when poisoned.
If you feel you may be carrying some ancestral programming or karmic patterns, hyssop may bring clarity and clear this kind of metaphorically poisoning of the soul.

Indian Cress
“They flash upon that inward eye” – William Wordsworth
“Flashes the golden-coloured flower
A fair electric flame “
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Indian Cress has a high vitamin C-content , a natural antibiotic. Good for colds, the flu and urinary tract infections.
Indian Cress is strengthening for the immunesystem. It´s flashing bright colored flowers bring strength, joy and spice to life.
Indian Cress is a transformer.By turning bland, mundane experiences into ones that are spicy and dynamic. Especially at dusk, the orange flowers may appear to emit small “flashes”. Once believed to be an electrical phenomenon, it is today thought to be an optical reaction in the human eye caused by the contrast between the orange flowers and the surrounding green. The phenomenon is named after Elisabeth Christina von Linné, one of Carl Linnaeus's daughters, who discovered it at age 19 and wrote a paper that was included as a reference in Erasmus Darwin´s “The botanic garden, part II, containing the loves of the plants “. Elizabeth Linnaeus came, through Darwin, to influence the pioneers of English Romantic poetry.

Jujube date
“Three red dates a day keep you young forever.” – Chineese proverb.
The jujube fruit, the ziziphus jujuba also known as the Chinese date, has potent health benefits. Because jujubes contain a large amount of antioxidants, they can help improve the immune system and overall health. They have a strengthening effect and contain plenty of phytochemicals. Their impressive nutritional content also includes a notable amount of vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin B2. Jujubes also contain vital minerals, such as manganese, iron, phosphorus and calcium. These elements work synergistically to create general health and well being and bolster the immune system.
Red dates are especially prized by women for their beauty and health effects. As they are very nourishing to the blood they are often eaten by women during their menses and after giving birth. Jujubes are considered and “elixir of life.”
The potent chemical extracted from jujubes, jujuboside A, affects the hippocampus in the brain and is often used as a natural sleep aid. Jujubes can be used to treat both insomnia and anxiety.
Jujube purify the twelve Organ meridians, especially the Stomach, which is the body’s “center” and represents the Earth Element in the Five Phase System. Red jujubes are also said to “clarify the nine openings” including the eyes, ears, sinuses, nose, throat, bowels and urinary tract. They have a long history of being considered excellent at building strength and extending life. In China they are considered able to tonify the Heart, Lung and Stomach functions. They are also said to dry up mucous while simultaneously moistening the tissues.
It is often used in Chinese herbalism as a Yin counterpart to strong Yang herbs such as Ginseng.

Lady´s Mantle
The Alchemist distills the Gold of a Thousand Mornings.
Lady´s Mantle has a time honored traditional use as a woman's healing herb. Lady´s Mantle has astringent and styptic properties, on account of the tannins it contains. It is a very healing herb for the womb and can be helpful for painful menstruations. It is a fertility herb, also good to use during and after pregnancy.
As a heart-tonic Alchemilla can be combined with prescribed medications. Strengthens the arteries. Good for swollen feet and legs.
The botanical name, Alchemilla, or “little alchemist” speaks of the uses of Lady’s Mantle which have the ability to transform. Matthew Woods writes an account of this in The Book of Herbal Wisdom.
The alchemists found interest in the fact that the morning dew gathers like a translucent pearl in the center of the fan-like leaves, well into almost mid-day, when other plants are all dried off.
“Something within it is distilling the essence and simultaneously helping to preserve it. In a material sense Alchemila must correspond to processes which encourage cohesion on the surface of the droplet and prevent vaporization, while at the same time (and plants seem to work in two opposite directions) it must possess the ability to refine and distill fluids into their most subtle expression or essence.”
In the same way in which the subtle, invisible membrane preserving the cohesion and integrity if the droplet is maintained, we can imagine Alchemilla making a subtle, invisible membrane around a person. It is encouraging integrity and cohesion. It works uplifting and empowering. It is about a kind of inner circulation and distillation.
It is healing to the emotional waters of the body and supports healing from sexual trauma.

Lady´s Slipper
“Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being.”
– Rumi
Samuel Thomson considered Lady´s slipper as one of the most important nervines. He used it for any complaint of nervous character. This orchid restores the nervous system as well as the sexual system. Lady´s slipper is connected to the second, sacral chakra, sexuality and possibility. Connecting us with the realm of the imagination.
Paracelseus said that if a plant resembled a foot, it was good for the foot. What does this mean in this case? The foot represents the possibility of wandering , while the shoe represents the protection of the wanderer. When the right thing appears one cannot do anything else but commit oneself to it. There is no tension between the outer and the inner personality, there is a perfect fit.
When people commit themselves to something that doesn´t fit they grow restless and doubtful. Life has no stability. Emotions flip back and forth. This is the remedy for when one doubts what one knows to be true.
When we follow the images that rise up from the depths if our soul, it may appear like a foolish path to others, even to ourselves at times. Our promptings start as seemingly adolescent dreams of glory, but they lead to true authority.
As we follow this path we become more and more innatly who we are because the images that emerge within us are the expression of our inner self. Walking the path of ones calling.

Balsam for the soul
Cooling, stimulating, relaxing. Good for cramps and tension both mentally and physically, muscle aches, migraines. Lavender has the action of concentrating the blood and blood sugar for the liver to nourish and strengthen it. Good for motion sickness, dizziness, fainting. Good for people who are so tired that they can not keep their head up. Migraine after a long week or a long day and for working with details.
It is good to take in the evening to wind down when the mind is overly active. The prabhava (special potency) of lavender is that it works just as well the other way, it wakes up the sleepy minds.
Lavender is good for the people who have high demands on themselves and others. This type is often very driven, overworked and tense, resulting in fatigue, aches and tension in the neck, shoulders and headaches. (use together with vervain)
Good for people who get stuck in the details, finicky.
Good for the type of depression and anxiety that often combines with Irritable bowel syndrome.
Rudolf Steiner writes that Lavender is indicated for spiritual states where the astral body is holding on to the physical body and keeps it in a too tight grip which results in cramping and straining on the nerves. Another explanation is that the autonomic nervous system takes over when the unconscious is not able to handle or process experiences. In any case, lavender works as a balm for the soul. It opens the mind so that some of it can take off and fly out. If the mind is holding on to an excessive content, to vast to understand, this creates tension. It is good in OCD, obsessive thoughts and behaviors. (Even better in combination with passion flower)

Lemon Balm
“See the world as if for the first time; see it through the eyes of a child, and you will suddenly find that you are free” – Deepak Chopra
Calming for the physical as well as the emotional heart. Good for indigestion, gas and bloating.
Lemon balm is a plant with both mood and cognitive-enhancement properties. It is calming, soothing anxiety and is spiritually uplifting. It brings joy and wonder to the user.
Lemon balm was the favorite herb of Paracelsus, the father of spagyria, who believed it would 'revivify a man' and called it “the elixir of life”. 12th century herbalist Saint Hildegarde von Bingen said “Lemon balm contains within it the virtues of a dozen other plants.”
Lemon balm is ruled by jupiter, the largest planet of our solar system, mainly composed of gas. Jupiter is called Guru in India, and the archetype of jupiter has to do with expansion, joy and the inner teacher.
Lemon balm instills a childlike wonder. It is possible and necessary to reinstall this quality if it is lost. This is the teaching of Lemon balm.

Lemon Verbena
When life gives you lemon verbena, make Chartreuse.
An alchemical recipe reached the religious order's headquarters at the Grande Chartreuse monastery, in Voiron, near Grenoble. It has since then been used to produce the “Elixir Végétal de la Grande Chartreuse”. Only two monks in a lifetime know the secret ingredients. Lemon verbena is one of them.
Antioxidant and strengthening for the immune system. Lemon Verbena reduces inflammation and fevers and may be beneficial for joint-pain, menstrual pain. Lemon verbena supports the digestive systems and may help to regulate appetite.
Lemon verbena stimulates the endocrine system, is reducing stress and nervous tension. It is uplifting and moves the spirit when one feels mentally stuck and calms down at the same time. It is nice to take in the early evening to wind down.
Lemon verbena has to do with the appetite for life. It may be helpful in clarifying intuitive insights and guidance, as well as feeling shielded and protected from negative or hostile energy sources. It helps one to continue to feel good no matter who is around.

Light in the Dark
“In the happy night,
In secret, when none saw me,
Nor I beheld aught,
Without light or guide,
save that which burned in my heart”
– The Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross

“The lilac branches are bowed under the weight of the flowers: blooming is hard, and the most important thing is – to bloom.” ( A Story About The Most Important Thing )
– Yevgeny Zamyatin
Syringa means tube in latin and the signature is the spine, our inner tube filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The branches of lilac are hollowed and may be used for pipes or flutes.
Another signature to the spine is it´s lilac colored flowers that correspond to the crown chakra, at the top of the spine. Lilac helps to align one´s spirit with ones spine.
Ida and Pingala are the energy channels that flow around the spine according to Tantra and Kundalini yoga. Lilac stimulates the flow of these channels in solving blockages that prevent us to evolve. Lilac has to do with flexibility, releasing and no longer holding back on our development.
Lilac may be used to straighten and unblock not only the spine, the head and the energy that circulates through them, but also to align one´s spirit and nourish it. It may ease grief, oppression and fright that comes from long ago, perhaps from childhood. A feeling of dis-ease, lack of safety, or a sense of holding back the true self often shows up as rigidity or pain in the spine.

“Love is space and time measured by the heart.” – Marcel Proust
Hjärtats minne
Lindblom kyler inre hetta, feber och när huden hettar. Den är också behjälplig vid rastlöshet, hyperaktivitet och panikångest.
Lindblom stödjer andningsvägarna, bra att ta till vid influensa och för att få upp slem och snor som sitter djupt.
Lindblom lugnar nerverna och hjärtat och är bra för att drömma lucida drömmar. Lindblom är bra för den typ av ångest som känns i hjärtat, sömnlöshet och stress. Lindblom verkar sederande.
Marcel Proust var den första att mynta begreppet “Ofrivilliga minnen” i romansviten “På spaning efter de tid som flytt”. Proust såg dessa ofrivilliga minnen innehålla det förgågnas essenss, som han ansåg saknades i ett frivilligt minne. I romanen beskriver han en händelse där han äter en lindblomstedoppad madeleinekaka, och ett barndomsminne av att äta en lindblomstedoppad madeleinekaka uppenbaras för honom. Från detta minne följer minnen av hela hans barndom, huset han bodde i, den lilla staden och dess invånare. Detta är temat genom romansviten , via känselportalerna öppnas portaler i minnet.

Love is the answer.
Long live the power of love!
According to Hieronymus Tragus, a german botanist , priest and physician who lived in 1500, Long-live is good for close to everything, lung, kidney, bowel and liver-problems. Later on it has been established that this herb possesses anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulant attributes, as it encloses two vital polysaccharides. It is understood that the two polysaccharides are likely to facilitate in slowing down the growth of tumours and, at the same time, augment the action of phagocytes that are effective in eliminating bacteria and viruses.
The whole live-long herb is considered to be astringent and cytostatic (any substance that retards/ slows down cell growth and cell division) – the reason why the herb is effective in treating tumours. Live-long also has a tonic action on the kidneys and is known to be helpful in treating cancer.
Live-long is a wound healer on all levels. On the outside of the body, and internally. Woundhealers may affect the wounds of the soul as well.
Live-long lives up to it´s name! It has almost a miraculously long life-span and survives exceptionally long witthour any soil or water needed. It is very tasty and healthy to eat. Try the leaves in salads, fried as tempura, or in a gazpachio instead of bell-pepper.
In folkmagic Live-long protects the home against the lightening if it grows on the roof and is known to bring good luck.

The aspirin of the druid.
Meadowsweet is good for ulcers, heart-burn and acid reflux. Meadowsweet is astringent and also anti-acid, as well as offering anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.
Meadowsweet contains salicylic acid which makes it a pain reliever, especially suited to stagnant pain (in a fixed location, possibly with a pounding sensation) and for symptoms of heat. Relieves muscular inflammation, headache, joint pain, rheumatic pain, fever, menstrual pain and gout.
Meadowsweet is a true normalizer of a badly functioning stomach. It regulates acidity and rectifies alkalinity. It calms internal excitation.
I have noticed that it makes you feel happy, so I think it is also calming heated internal states of anger and frustration.
Meadowsweet was also a sacred herb among the druids and it was a favorite strewing herb in the Middle Ages. They sprinkled it on the floors like aromatherapy.
The smell is almondy and very cheerful. Meadowsweet was the source aspirin came from. It possesses similar properties, but is non-toxic, cooling and soothes the stomach, rather than inflaming and irritating it like aspirin does.

Milky Oats
“Joy all creatures drink
At nature's bosoms…” ~ Friedrich von Schiller
The oat is harvested in its milky stage when it is green and contains a milky substance which is highly nourishing. It is especially soothing for a burnt-out nervous system. It is deeply healing for the frazzled nerves and also for a crashed stomach, perhaps if the gut is unbalanced after antibiotics.
Milky oats is also beneficial for persons with deficiencies or malnourishment. It is also a demulcent. Milky oats is a nervine tonic and trophorestorative.
A burned-out person needs to rest and does not benefit from adaptogenes, to come back to the same stressful life that caused the burn-out. A burned-out person benefits from nourishing the body, mind and soul to be able to handle life with an inner calm and knowing when it is time to slow down and how to make priorities.
Milky oats is ideal for people with overactive crown chakras, tending towards nervousness, anxiety, and high levels of sensitivity to the environment. Milky oats is also helpful when dealing with depression.
Milky oats is often helpful for people struggling with addiction. Addiction is often at the root about lack of nourishment on a soul level. One thinks that there is something lacking to be able to be satisfied without the addiction, because one is afraid there is not enough nourishment in other ways.
Milky oats is an energizer, but it does this cumulatively, building energy slowly and consistently by deeply nourishing the entire body. It alleviates both physical and nervous fatigue. It is metaphorically nursing directly from Mother Earth.

More Hydrosols
Hydrosols are the distilled herbal waters from the process of steamdistillation of essential oils.
In alchemy the sulphur principle represents the initial light and the source of life, and it manifests in the essential oil, which is the soul of the plant. So hydrosols contain the soul of the plants and they operate especially on the level of the soul.
It is possible to order other hydrosols from me than the ones listed in the shop. I distill regularly as a part of the spagyric process and I want to share what I do not need for spagyrics or what we use in my family. We bathe with hydrosol in the water, we drink them diluted, use them in cooking, as skincare , medicinally, for cleaning and laundry, to alter the vibration in a space or change of mood. We use them daily. Children and animals are very fond of them.
Just specify which one you would like to order.
They all come in a 30 ml brown glass bottle with a spraypump.
The price is 70 kr + shipping.
All hydrosols should be diluted in water before taken internally.
5-12 months stability. Keep dark, cool, preferably refrigerated.
The herbs I distill are grown organically in my garden or by friends, or grow in the wild.
They are harvested and distilled at astrologically optimal moments.

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” – E.E. Cummings
Motherwort supports the physical and emotional heart, the nervous system and the female urogenital tract. Motherwort brings on delayed menstruation and eases menstrual cramping and pain, PMS and eases childbirth.
Motherwort is indicated in cases of anxiety that is felt like a tension of the heart or palpitations of the heart.
Motherwort is a representative of the sacred feminine, the Great Mother. She wants to connect all of us (men, too) to the divine feminine energies. To be brave, to open the heart, to give and receive love.
Motherwort has a lot to do with being courageous and what the essence of motherhood actually is.

Artemis – goddess of the moon and mother of nature
Mugwort is a womb herb, used for PMS, menstrual pain and too much bleeding during menses. Mugwort can help people sensitive to light and noise, restless sleepers and sleepwalkers. It is also indicated for anemia.
Good for memory especially for people who can´t remember simple words, names, but can describe complex, abstract and difficult concepts.
Mugwort is indicated for people who get angry or arrogant when other people can´t follow their train of thought and people who speak fast, mumbled, words or syllables reversed. Mugwort is for highly intelligent, gifted and artistic people who lack common skills and comprehension.
For those whom the intuitive, psychic, psychological, creative and artistic side of the mind is highly developed, but who have trouble with expression or with the world around them.
Mugwort is a dream herb. It is a herb for imagination, daydreaming, creative and intuitive processes.
It is good for everybody, men included, who want to come into contact with their feminine instincts.

Transforming what has turned hard soft again.
Mullein is an excellent remedy for the respiratory tract: lungs, throat and bronchi. The leaves are incredibly soft and it´s medicine is all about softening those things that have turned hard. This action exists on the physical level, as well as mental, emotional and spiritual. Physically, it moistens, softens, and lubricates irritated, dry and inflamed mucosal tissues, primarily in the lungs, and but also in the fluid spaces between the vertebrae (The Mullein-stalk looks like a spine) where the mucous is supposed to be fluid.
In the presence of excess heat there is a tendency to harden. Mullein softens this hardening and facilitates expectoration, easing inflammation and restoring the tone and secretions of the tissues.
The softening of what has turned hard aspect also works on the mental level. Mullein is good for people who are hard on themselves and overly critical in general.
Mullein stalks dipped in wax were used as ceremonial torches by druids. The torch-quality is a signature that Mullein is providing focus, enlightenment and grounding to those who feel they have lost their way or can’t see their path. They often feel in the dark and disjointed, and the confusion may cause tension and a sense of abandonment. Mullein is for those who hide their light under cover and those who need a strong backbone.
Herbalist Matthew Wood tells: “Mullein is for people who think too much and congest the mind, or suffer mental tightness following difficult projects. It gives such a person a feeling like the mind is opened up to breezes on a fresh spring day”

”How much men are like the nettle!
My friends, remember this, that there are no weeds, and no worthless men, there are only bad farmers.”
– Victor Hugo
Ruled by Mars and just like the red planet and the blood, it is full of iron. It builds and purifies the blood, it is alkalizing, full of nutrients, many other minerals and chlorophyl. It cools stinging and burning and act as an anti inflammatory.
Nettle is a great protector against inflammation but also on an energetic level in acting as a guardian of ones integrity. It is good to call on Nettle when one feels invaded or to release heat when one is angry or frustrated or when inflamed. Nettle keeps you cool.
Nettle works with complicated protein building-blocks to build some of the most complex molecules used by the body, by removing uric acid from the waste products of the system. Nettle provides a know-how. It is useful to take a cure of nettle as an internal spring cleaning.
In this way it may be helpful in preventing seasonal allergies.

“I remember him with a dark passionflower in his hand, looking at it as no one has ever looked at such a flower, though they might look from the twilight of day until the twilight of night, for a whole life long.” – Jorge Luis Borges
Passion flower is helpful in case of anxiety, insomnia and repetitive, compulsive thoughts.
The Spagyrisist and Alchemist talk of the Signature of a plant, Signs of Nature. Nature communicates with us through signs, colors, shapes etcetera.
Purple and white coloration often has to do with the nervous system and the crownchakra.
Another signature is the spiraling little tendrils . Passionflower is excellent to help the mind from going in loops. Very good for people that lie awake thinking in loops, unable to mellow down enough to relax and fall asleep.
This spiraling signature can also be connected to the planet Uranus who travels in a spiraling orbit . The sign Aquarius is ruled by this Planet that emanates a truly electrical energy.
An overly busy mind can lead to tension and anxiety if it spirals out of control.
Passionflower is your friend if you have these tendencies, to enable you to move down into intuition, into the body if you are too much up in the mind for your own good.

“There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven't started wondering about yet. ”
– Roald Dahl, James and the Giant Peach
The action of peachleaf moisturizing and cooling, helps when there is inflammation, inner heat and an overactive autoimmunesystem. Good in urineinfection when there is a burning sensation, morningsickness, dry caugh and allergy.
Peachleaf is suitable for those who easily get burned by the sun, have delicate skin and easily become red or get rashes.
Peachleaf is good for the restless, insomnia, worry and nervousness and is suitable for overactive children. Good for highly sensitive people.
In China it is believed that the peachtree possesses abundant vitality, more than any other tree and the peach is a symbol for longviety.

Red Clover
“To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few. “
-Emily Dickinson
Red Clover is a blood purifyer. Therefore it is good for exzema and acne. It is good as a detox.
Because of its concentration of the phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein, which mimic the activity of estrogen, red clover has been studied for its use in alleviating the discomfort of menopause and PMS.
Red Clover has a mildly tonic effect on the nerves, which in turn eases indigestion, nausea and headaches.
“Plants with three leaves are sometimes used to discuss the nature of trinity or manifestation with the numerical value of three. The rarity of the four-leved plants has developed a widely held belief that they bring luck.”
From “A compendium of Herbal Magick” by Paul Beyrl.

“There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” – Shakespeare
Warming circulatory stimulant, most notably for the head and the brain including circulation to the eyes, therefore good in case of glaucoma. Brings blood to the heart, liver and gallbladder hence also good for digestion. Nervine, helpful in Alzheimers, nootropic, enhancing cognitive function, short and long-term memory. Good for type II diabetes.
Good for persons lacking confidence to give clarity around who we are, why we are here and what we do with our time here. Rudolph Steiner taught that Rosemary increase the sense of selfhood, which he related to the solar properties or the warmth of the body, to support selfconciousness, especially to be used in the morning to stimulate awareness.
Rosemary helps us in remembering who we are, to be strong in who we are, to embrace our pasts and presents without regrets. Through remembering via the heart more than through the mind we can reconnect and find support from in our ancestry.

Sacred Basil
Hindus regard Sacred Basil as an earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulsi, offering divine protection.
Sacred Basil or Tulsi as it is also called, is strengthening for the immune system. It is a diaphoretic, meaning that it helps to gently raise the body temperature in order to effectively break a fever. Being that, it is also potently anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory, it is highly useful in a wide range of coughs, colds, flues, and general feelings of being “unwell.”
It is commonly being used today for its effects on blood sugar regulation and Type II diabetes- this likely being in conjunction with its tonifying effects on the adrenal glands, lowering stress, and strengthening digestion.
Tulsi is an excellent adaptogen to strengthen the adrenal glands, lower cortisol and stress and to calm the mind.
In Plant Spirit Healing, Sacred Basil is used for the soul. The soul, as being distinct from the spirit, is the aspect of our being that is constantly connected with the divine source of creation. It is our true nature and holds within it the blueprint for our life purpose.
By strengthening our connection with the soul, Sacred Basil helps us to reclaim our connection with nature, direct connection to the divine, and walking the path that we are meant to walk.

Sacred Blue Water Lily
“The sky was a midnight-blue, like warm, deep, blue water, and the moon seemed to lie on it like a water-lily, floating forward with an invisible current.” – Willa Cather
The Sacred Blue Egyptian Water Lily is deeply relaxing for the body and mind, it is hypnotic and sedative. It is also a cardio-tonic – strengthening the heart. It is also an aphrodisiac.
An aid for yogis as it is a plant for meditation. It is also a helpful herb for dreamwork. The blue-violet color of this flower is a signature of the affinities with the third eye and the crown chakra.
From the murky dark mud it rises up bestowing magnificent blossoms. It shows us our experience in human evolution, as it blooms – so can we. It is a metaphor for our reunion with oneness. I connect this flower to the divine feminine creative power, Shakti.
Shakti is both responsible for creation and the agent of all change. Shakti is cosmic existence as well as liberation, its most significant form being the Kundalini Shakti, a mysterious psychospiritual force.

Sage is for the practicing mystic – I walk my talk
Sage is used for irritations and inflammations of the throat and respiratory system. Sage has an action on the liver, gallbladder and the digestive system and helps the liver to break down fat. Regulates sweating.
Purification of the self and purity in communication. Support in delivering our messages. Sage reconnects us to who we are and helps us to recognise wisdom in everything. How each reflection of life is a reflection of our own nature, as we hold the whole universe within our own being.
Sage helps with integration of the spiritual and the physical worlds together, dissolving the boundary between the mundane and the sacred, helping to bring knowledge into the heart where it can transform into wisdom. Sage is a wise plant teacher of many secrets.

Saw Palmetto
Protector of the family jewels.
Saw palmetto was used by the Native Americans, who collected the berries to create tonics for men. It is widely used in ayurveda as well.
It is used for prostate health primarly.
The powerful berries are used for benign enlargement of the prostate gland in men, as long as the growth is not large enough to need surgery. It supports the male urogenital tract, and can help men not to get up to go to the toilet in the night. It is helpful for testicular inflammation.
Saw Palmetto is used to reduce hair loss and male baldness. It also preserves and reinforces the skin’s youthful elasticity. It balances the hormones for men and is good for libido.

The Five Flavored Berry
Schizandra has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years. It is used for longviety, retarding the aging process, increasing energy and as a sexual tonic. Schizandra also possesses significant protective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Thus it helps to maintain healthy cells throughout the body. Schizandra also offers liver-protective benefits. It is considered one of the most highly protective of all medicinal plants, and the berry is included in many traditional herbal formulas for improving energy and mental health.
Schizandra berry demonstrates significant adaptogenic activity. It reduces stress, both mental and physical. As an adaptogen, Schizandra is a potent general tonic, decreasing fatigue, enhancing physical performance, and promoting endurance.
Schizandra, the berry of Schisandra chinensis, Wu Wei Zi (Five Flavored Berry in chineese) is sweet, sour, salty, bitter and pungent.
This shows that this powerful berry works on all organsystems and is connected to the 5 senses and the 5 elements. I connect it especially with the ether-element.
I wish more people knew of it´s exceptional power and life force.
I include it in my 5 berry formula.

Siberian Ginseng
“Let's go!”
-Yuri Gagarin
The renowned Ming Dynasty physician Li Shizhen recommended Siberian Ginseng to heal hernias and weak tendons, and to slow the effects of aging. Siberian Ginseng is actually like a slow-motion stimulant. Unlike the sharp rise and fall of energy associated with caffeine, the energy from Siberian Ginseng may take weeks or months to build, but the effects are long-lasting. Siberian Ginseng’s slow burn makes it useful for treating symptoms associated with weak adrenal glands and a hypothyroid.
As a motivational herb, Siberian Ginseng is hard to beat – there isn’t much else that can deliver so much wonderful, raw energy.
Besides protecting the body from stress, Siberian Ginseng also increases oxygenation of the cells, thereby increasing endurance, alertness and even visual acuity. This increased oxygenation leads to better circulation – especially to the brain – helping to restore memory, concentration and mental clarity.
The cosmonauts took Siberian Ginseng when traveling in space.
“The main force in man — is the power of the spirit.” – Yuri Gagarin
“When they saw me in my space suit and the parachute dragging alongside as I walked, they started to back away in fear. I told them, don't be afraid, I am a Soviet like you, who has descended from space and I must find a telephone to call Moscow!”
– Yuri Gagarin on landing on a field.

Skullcap makes you feel like you have a helmet on your head that calms and protects you.
A supreme nerve remedy with great sedative powers. Cooling, relaxant and calming to the nerves. Skullcap is also good for tense headaches.
Scutella means shield in latin. Skullcap is a comforting herb, traditionally used to alleviate nervous tension and exhaustion. It is used to promote emotional wellbeing and relaxation during times of occasional distress.
Skullcap is called for when you have a sense your soul is not completely settled into your body. This may have been caused by stress, shock or trauma.

The sweet glistening core inside the black stone of sorrow
Southernwood is a strongly aromatic bitter herb that improves digestion and liver function by increasing secretions in the stomach and intestines, it stimulates the uterus and encourages menstrual flow, lowers fevers, relaxes spasms and destroys intestinal worms. The main use of this herb is as an emmenagogue, though it is also a good stimulant tonic and has some nervine principle.
Southernwood open the pores, liquify thick fluids, and raise the inner heat to drive obstructions and chills to the surface and out through the pores. Thus, it fights putrefaction and was used against the plague, and can induce fever in order to cleanse the body. Southernwood is antiseptic and stimulant.
The goddess Artemis is the protector of the mother and infant, the animals and the wilderness.
On an energetic level Southernwood helps to purge and release the old to leave space for the new. It has the ability to transform bitter memories, to move past them, release and no longer attach to them in order to bring back the sweetness to life.
Personally I connect Southernwood to the balsamic moon-phase, the ending of a cycle, the crone-aspect of the divine femenine. After a whole cycle of distilling out the essence , the sweet core can be found in the bitterness. Strong intuition, lunar qualities, the hunter transmuted to alchemist.
As Kolavippen, Death, a character created and interpretated by Hasse Alfredsson in the childrens book and film “Jim and the Pirates Blom”, smashes the black stone of sorrow and reveales a diamond he explains: “This is the core of sorrow. See how it glistens! This is the finest part of sorrow , never get rid of that, because you need it to understand others. It lightens you up from within!”

“I am most glad I loved thee—think of all
The suns that go to make one speedwell blue! – Oscar Wilde
Speedwell was highly regarded as THE herb for a speedy recovery in the times of the roman empire. It has since a hundred years ago been sort of forgotten in the world of healing.
It is primarly used for respiratory troubles, cough. It is an expectorant , it dispells mucus. Speedwell is also healing for ulcers, it enhances the regeneration of the gastric mucosa. It was famous for healing the lungs as well, and research is going on on this topic.
Maria Treben recommends it for nervousness caused by mental exhaustion. In my opinion it is grounding and brings a lightness at the same time, your chakras seem to align themselves from the bottom to the top. It contains the glycoside, scutellarin, named after our calming friend, Skullcap.
I have both Skullcap and Speedwell in my Stop Smoking Support.

St John´s Wort
Prepared on the Solar Return of St John the Baptist the 24th of june.
St John´s wort is used for melancholia, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and is also good for mental burnout.
It is a stomach normalizer applicable in both hyperacidity and hypoacidity. When the gut is in balance – intuitions are stronger.
St John´s wort lights up the solar plexus chakra, the inner sun. The signature of this flower is also indicating this, the yellow color and it´s rays of light-looking little antennas in the centre of the flower. It gives a centered energy, joy, focus and has a powerful effect on the nervous system. It strengthens the animal instinct in the gut, to trust the intuition.
The petals are dotted with little perforations. This indicates another one of Hypericum Perforatum´s properties: It is used for leaky energy. When energy is leaking from us, it becomes easier to pick up on the energy of others, making us feel tired and drained. This magical plant fills up these energetic holes and centers us so our energy stays within us and we no longer pick up on unwanted vibes or fall under the domination of untoward people.

“Magicians affirm that Images, Seals & Rings Being Opportunely Framed under a Certain Constellation… some Wonderful Thing may be Received. ” – Cornelius Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Lisa creates talismans from minerals and herbs in small glass vials to support the needs and wishes of the individual. They are composed like an elixir that can be worn as a magically charged piece of jewelry or object that can be placed in the workplace, hanging over the bed, in the kitchen or wherever it is needed.
The talismans costs between 200-600 kr depending on what they contain. A description is included. We discuss over Skype or by e-mail and make a plan and a price before I get to work.
So far Lisa has created talismans to support selfhood, for incontinence support, to aid in letting go on several levels (constipation / mental release), to support creative flow, mental focus and many others. They have found content owners who experience positive benefits.
Contact via e-mail.